David Collins
Director - Perth

David Collins commenced his career as a graduate accountant with RSM in February 2006, successfully completing his Graduate Diploma of Chartered Accountancy with merits in the taxation and financial reporting modules.

David subsequently completed his Masters of Taxation with distinction, focusing on corporate taxation issues including specific units in consolidations and international taxation.

David specialises in providing advisory and compliance services to a range of corporate clients across multiple industries across a broad range of federal taxes.


David has been involved in providing corporate taxation advice and compliance services to a variety of clients, from the small business sector to Australian Stock Exchange-listed companies, with a focus in the resources, mining services, construction, and engineering sectors.

David has significant experience on a range of issues including:

  • Income tax and tax effect accounting
  • International tax and transfer pricing
  • Corporate restructuring
  • Loss recoupment testing
  • Employee share option plans
  • Fringe benefits tax
  • Goods and services tax
  • Tax Services in Perth


  • Preparation of numerous allocable cost amount calculations for existing clients and as part of one-off engagements
  • Calculation and maintenance of available fractions in respect of transferred losses
  • Advice regarding the carry forward and utilisation of carry forward losses under the company loss recoupment tests
  • Significant experience in the mining services and engineering sectors and in contemplating the types of assets held by companies operating in these sectors. 


  • Member, Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand
  • Chartered Tax Advisor, Institute of Taxation


  • Bachelor of Commerce (Curtin University of Technology)
  • Masters of Taxation (University of New South Wales)