Jane Wood
Director - Melbourne

Jane leads the human resources tax practice at RSM in Melbourne. She has over 20 years dedicated experience primarily in the areas of employment and expatriate taxes.
Domestically Jane provides relevant tax advice to both employers and individuals, on all manner of employment related tax matters. This covers issues such as FBT, state employment taxes, employee share schemes, termination of employment and remuneration planning for not for profit organisations.
Globally Jane manages expatriate tax programs within RSM for both inbound and outbound clients. This entails assistance to employers in designing and managing expatriate tax programs, and to participating employees in meeting their global personal tax compliance obligations. In addition, Jane supports and advises non-resident employers with start-up operations in Australia.
- Jane manages expatriate tax assignments for both Australian outbound and foreign inbound groups. She works as part of the RSM expatriate tax network, providing seamless quality service to ensure the global and personal tax obligations of international assignees are met
- Jane provides a bespoke executive tax service for senior corporate executives who often have more complex tax arrangements
- Jane works with lawyers and their clients, providing independent advice on the tax consequences of related disputes and settlement payments
Internal reviews of employer superannuation contributions for not for profit organisations and construction companies, considering obligations under both the applicable industrial agreements and Superannuation Guarantee legislation
- Chartered tax adviser, Taxation Institute of Australia
- Member, CPA Australia
- Bachelor of Business, Victoria University