Image removed.Melbourne: A Thriving Capital City

We're thrilled to share some exciting news with you: the Melbourne Office is moving to a new location! 


As part of our commitment to growth and progress, we're transitioning to a vibrant, modern workspace that reflects our dedication to excellence and innovation.

Our new office has been carefully selected and designed to enhance collaboration, productivity, and employee well-being. With state-of-the-art facilities, comfortable workspaces, and inspiring meeting areas, we're creating an environment where creativity thrives, ideas flourish, and relationships deepen.           

This move represents an important milestone for us, signalling our continued expansion and evolution as a company.  


"We decided to relocate our office due to the significant growth of our Melbourne branch over the past 10 years. We are constantly adding new service lines to enhance our client offerings, which has resulted in a significant increase in our team and space requirements.

Image removed.~ Kristie Dundon,  
Melbourne Office Managing Partner,  
RSM Australia

New office details: 
Level 27, 

120 Collins St Melbourne 

VIC 3000 


(PO Box and phone numbers all remain the same.)

The Melbourne team shared their favourite things about the new office:

More windows and natural light

Open design with communal spaces

Improved client accommodations

Change is great for refreshed energy levels

More room, integration and modernity.

"The move is a reminder that RSM is undergoing a constant process of adaption and evolution along with our clients, whom we look forward to sharing our new home with. The new office will be even more accommodating, as a larger space allows for larger and more frequent client events, more activity is central to a vibrant culture.”

Image removed.

~ Evan Tsipas    
RSM Australia

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