Ali Murtza
Quality Control Reviewer
Ali Murtza is an Quality Control Reviewer in our Firm. He joined RSM Azerbaijan in October 2013. Ali Murtza has more than 5 years of experience in assurance, risk management, system assessment and forensic investigations services. His area of services to different clients includes;
Audit of IFRS financial statements, he served on a number of assurance engagements for different industries, like Banking, Insurance, Manufacturing, Power, Construction and Mining & Exploration. Projects include, but not limited to, the followings: the Punjab Provincial Bank Limited, Innovative Investment Bank Limited, Invest Capital Investment Bank Limited, Trust Investment Bank Limited, Capital Insurance Limited, the United Insurance Limited and Sliver Star Insurance Limited. Paragon Construction, Bina Puri Construction, Northen Power Generation and etc.
Risk Management and System Assessment of different projects assigned by USAID (U.S Agency of International Development), these includes, University of Health Sciences, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Rural Support Programmes etc.
Forensic and Investigation of different companies assigned by regulators and SECP (Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan) and these includes, investigation of, Pakistan Steel Mills Limited, Elixir Laboratories (Pvt) Limited and Lahore Gymkhana Club.
He is associate member of Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants (PIPFA is an Associate member of IFAC) and Chartered Accountant from Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP is a fellow member of IFAC)