Liquidation in Bangladesh

The liquidation or winding up of a company in Bangladesh signifies the dissolution of its existence, a process commonly referred to as "Winding Up." During this procedure, the company's assets are converted into cash, enabling settlement of debts, outstanding bills, and allocation of remaining funds among shareholders, members, partners, or other investors. A liquidator, often appointed to oversee this asset distribution, facilitates the process.


Mahzuba Ferdous Chowdhury

Executive Director
E: [email protected]

In Bangladesh, the process of winding up a company can occur through three distinct avenues:

  • Voluntary: The company initiates the winding-up process independently.
  • Court Winding Up: Winding up is enforced by a court order.
  • Supervised by Court: The winding-up process is conducted under the supervision of the court.

We assist clients by leveraging our legal experts who liaise with lawyers and oversee secretarial and regulatory compliances with relevant authorities such as RJSCF, BIDA and NBR.