In today's era of relentless digital threats, navigating the complexities of cybersecurity and privacy can be daunting. As specialised experts in Privacy and Cybersecurity, we are dedicated to bolstering your organisation's defenses against a wide array of cyber threats. Our comprehensive suite of services is crafted with precision to protect your critical data and systems, ensuring you maintain resilience in a volatile digital landscape.

We guide you in leveraging advanced technologies and methodologies that enhance your security measures, strengthening your defenses against sophisticated cyber threats. Our expertise helps you optimise resource allocation, maximising efficiency and effectiveness in your security operations. Additionally, we address the challenges of complex data management, from governance and compliance to protection, by providing expert strategies tailored to your unique needs.

Our goal is to empower your organisation with the tools and knowledge needed to independently manage and safeguard your digital assets. By guiding and teaching you through the process, we help you build a robust security framework that enables you to handle future security challenges on your own, fostering resilience and self-reliance in your cybersecurity efforts.


Take a look at the Privacy & Cybersecurity Services we Offer:

Driving Effective Governance with Expert Insights

Effective governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) are vital for securing your organisation and achieving strategic business goals, especially in a fast-evolving regulatory landscape. Our comprehensive GRC services are designed to integrate seamlessly with your organisational strategies, enhancing decision-making and operational efficiency. This includes the integration of standards like ISO 27001, ensuring that every compliance effort supports your broader strategic goals.

  • Strategic Integration: We align GRC activities, including the implementation of ISO 27001 and specific company standards, with your business objectives. This ensures that our efforts not only meet compliance requirements but also advance your business objectives.
  • Risk-Based Approach: Our risk-based approach to governance and compliance prioritises risks according to their impact on your business objectives. This method allows for more targeted and effective management of risks, ensuring that resources are allocated where they are most needed to protect and enhance business value.
  • Holistic Management: Our services encompass all aspects of GRC, including policy development, risk assessment, compliance management, and continuous monitoring. We provide a holistic view of your organisation's risk landscape and compliance status, enabling proactive management and quick adaptation to new regulations or changes in the business environment.
  • Enhanced Decision-Making: With our comprehensive support, your leadership can make better-informed decisions, backed by clear insights into how GRC factors impact business outcomes. This strategic advantage helps in navigating complexities and seizing opportunities in a secure manner.
  • Continuous Improvement and Compliance: We ensure that your GRC practices are not static but evolve with changing regulations and business needs. Our continuous monitoring and improvement strategies keep your organisation compliant and competitive, even as external conditions change.

SUBTAB ----   NIS2 Compliance: Fortifying Your Defenses Under New Regulations

Adapting to Change with Confidence
The NIS2 Directive sets forth more rigorous compliance requirements for network and information system security, applying to a wider range of sectors than its predecessor. To help your organisation not only meet but surpass these demanding standards, we offer dedicated NIS2 compliance services.

Our approach begins with a comprehensive initial assessment to pinpoint your current compliance status and identify gaps in your security framework. From there, we develop a tailored plan that addresses these gaps and aligns with the specific NIS2 requirements relevant to your sector.

We provide ongoing support throughout the implementation process, ensuring that each step—whether it involves updating policies, enhancing security measures, or training staff—is effectively managed and integrated into your operations. This end-to-end support extends to maintaining compliance, with regular reviews and updates as regulatory landscapes evolve.

Our expertise and proactive approach ensure that your organisation not only achieves compliance with NIS2 but also enhances its overall security posture, ready to face current and future challenges with confidence.


  • In-depth Regulatory Analysis: Navigate the complexities of NIS2 with comprehensive analysis and tailored compliance strategies.
  • Seamless Compliance Integration: Integrate NIS2 requirements smoothly into your existing systems to enhance security without hindering operational efficiency.
  • Ongoing Compliance Training: Equip your team with the latest knowledge and skills to stay ahead in compliance through workshops and continuous learning opportunities.

Guarding Your Most Valuable Assets:

  • Data is one of your most valuable assets, and protecting it is our top priority.
  • Securing data is not only a strategic priority but also a legal requirement for organisations aiming to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Information Security standards.
  • Our Data Protection & Privacy services are designed to ensure that your organisation's data handling practices not only comply with legal standards but also adhere to best industry practices. 
  • We offer robust solutions to protect sensitive information from unauthorised access, breaches, and potential misuse.

Our offerings include:

  • Data Privacy Operations: Whether your organisation needs a DPO or is looking for additional privacy expertise to support its operations, our Data Protection Officer (DPO) services offer comprehensive oversight in data management, regulatory compliance, policy development, incident response, and training ensuring effective and secure data handling to meet and maintain compliance with data protection laws and best practices. 
  • Regulatory Compliance Assessments: Conduct detailed assessments to ensure compliance with data protection laws, including GDPR and industry standards, offering your organisation with recommendations for mitigation. 
  • Full-Spectrum Data Protection: Implement strategies that cover all aspects of data privacy, from initial data collection to final data deletion, ensuring that your data is protected throughout its lifecycle.


Empowering Your Team with Knowledge and Skills

A well-informed team is not just your first line of defense against cyber threats—it's the foundation of your security posture. With over 80% of security incidents stemming from human actions, fostering a culture of awareness within your organisation is paramount. Our Cybersecurity Awareness programs are expertly crafted to instill a robust understanding of cyber risks and preventive measures at every level of your organization, from the boardroom to the break room.

We emphasize the critical importance of starting this awareness at the top, ensuring that leadership understands and communicates the significance of cybersecurity practices throughout the organisation. By doing so, we help to embed a culture of vigilance and proactive behavior that permeates every department and function.

Our training is carefully tailored to the specific needs of different groups within your organisation, ensuring that each employee, regardless of their role, understands their role in safeguarding the organisation’s digital assets. Let us assist you in building and reinforcing this essential culture of cybersecurity awareness, effectively reducing your vulnerability to attacks and enhancing your overall security strategy.


  • Comprehensive Employee Education: Provide ongoing training sessions on cybersecurity risks, prevention, and best practices.
  • Executive Security Workshops: Engage senior management with strategic insights into the cybersecurity landscape and their role in fostering a secure organisational culture.
  • Interactive Learning Experiences: Utilise interactive training methods to enhance learning and retention of cybersecurity principles.

Building a Robust Security Framework

We understand that SMEs often juggle the need to comply with stringent standards like ISO 27001 with the challenges of limited resources. Recognising these constraints, we aim to provide competitively priced, specialised services tailored to streamline the certification process. Our approach helps you set up, implement, and maintain an Information Security Management System (ISMS) aligned with ISO 27001 standards, offering a fast-track to compliance. This not only aids in meeting immediate certification requirements—crucial for remaining competitive as a supplier—but also prepares you for forthcoming regulations such as NIS2. By choosing our services, you fortify your security efforts efficiently, ensuring compliance with both current and future demands without compromising on quality.


  • ISMS Development and Implementation: Collaborate to design and implement a robust ISMS tailored to your organisation's specific needs.
  • Thorough Gap Analyses: Identify and address any existing gaps in your security practices to ensure compliance with ISO27001.
  • Certification Guidance: Provide expert advice and support throughout the certification process, ensuring a smooth and successful outcome.

Innovative Tools for Secure Data Utilization

  • Leverage your data securely and efficiently with our RSM Secure, Cyber & Privacy Tools. 
  • We offer a range of solutions designed to enhance data security, from initial data creation to end-of-life disposal. 
  • Our tools are built to integrate seamlessly with your existing IT infrastructure, providing robust protection and streamlined data management.
  • Data Governance Tools: Establish comprehensive governance tools with RSM Secure to ensure data is handled securely and complies with regulatory requirements. 
  • The RSM Data Register Tool is designed to help you comply with the legal requirement of maintaining records of processing activities. It contains pre-defined lists of activities that are performed by a controller and processor, along with the applicable retention periods. Start building your register effortlessly with the RSM Data Register Tool.
  • Data Protection by design Tools: A comprehensive suite of tools to comply with the data protection by design legal requirement. 
  • The RSM Secure end-to-end encrypted cloud storage, form builder and task manager offer your organisation the means to securely process personal data. It contains blockchain-based timestamping, dynamic access rights, immutable logs & versioning, data analytics, and API integrations. The solution can be white-labeled and fully customised to your needs. Take control of your data with RSM Secure as a crucial step towards a safe and successful digital transformation.
  • Advanced DLP Systems: Deploy state-of-the-art Data Loss Prevention systems to detect and prevent data breaches and leaks.
  • Efficient Resource Allocation: Optimise the deployment of IT and data management resources to enhance security and operational efficiency. 
  • The RSM phishing e-learning platform equips your organisation with tools to educate employees about phishing threats. It simulates real-life phishing scenarios to test awareness and responses. Interactive modules provide training on effectively recognising and responding to phishing attempts. Administrators can track performance metrics to assess the training program's effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.
  • The RSM Business Intelligence tool empowers your organisation to make data-driven decisions, optimise performance and identify both opportunities and challenges to achieve strategic objectives and drive success. With the capability to analyse big amounts of data, these tools provide invaluable insights for informed business decisions. 
  • The RSM Robotic Process Automation (RPA) tool enables your organisation to automate repetitive and rule-based tasks and processes using software robots. These robots can perform a variety of tasks across different systems and applications, allowing you to free up humans for more strategic and meaningful work.

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