Global interest in environment, social and governance is growing by the day. 

Today, stakeholders want to be sure that the reporting of companies are transparent and reliable. Ethics, diversity and inclusion, supply chain, equal rights and opportunities, material sourcing and much more need to be available for public scrutiny.

These stakeholders expect that all ESG information is published, but also thoroughly analysed, reviewed and assured.

Being compliant is one element, but investors, financial institutions, consumers, clients and all other stakeholders also expect companies to integrate the ESG element into the DNA of their business.

Reporting standards like the ESRS or the GRI are frameworks that can help you to streamline your ESG information and ensure the quality and comparability of the data. These standards are definitely challenging and the readiness of the organisation and the progress towards completeness of the information can be difficult to self-analyse.

A pre-audit that provides insight into your processes and highlights where and how to improve can give you some ease of mind on your last mile towards the legal assurance requirement.

The assurance of the ESG information is the cherry on the cake, giving you all the confidence needed to share your sustainability report with your stakeholders.

According to the CSRD, this limited assurance will cover the compliance with the CSRD, the process applied, the digitalisation of the report and the EU taxonomy  reporting. 

RSM has implemented a tailored-methodology to perform ESG limited and reasonable assurance according to the international standards in place. Our teams are multi-disciplinary, to cover all aspects of ESG assurance and provide you with the most efficient approach. 

Our audit aims, beyond the legal assurance report, to provide you with recommendations in order to help you improve your processes where needed.

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