Valentina Markioli

Valentina Markioli is Partner and Audit Manager in RSM Croatia d.o.o.. With years of experience in providing audit and relating services. Her focus is audit of financial statements, Expenditure verification of IPA projects financed by EU and due diligence.

When did you join RSM?
Valentina joined RSM from the very beginning, more precisely when RSM Croatia joined RSM International in 2012. 

What does your role entail?
Valentina is a Partner at RSM Croatia d.o.o. With many years of experience in providing audit services and other related services, she is primarily focused on auditing financial statements and agreed upon procedures regarding verification of the costs of EU and other funded projects. 

What are the most interesting aspects or challenges you find most interesting about your role – and in this role at RSM?
Through the program that offers grants from the European Union to support entrepreneurs in Croatia, which area of auditing she specialized in, she is connected with numerous RSM members which ultimately brings value to RSM clients. 

What are your hobbies or interest outside of RSM? 
Valentina is also passionate about the global nature of our work in assisting business leaders to enter new markets with the help of RSM advisers, and collaborating on diverse, multicultural teams. Outside of work, Valentina likes to spend time with her family, enjoying with her two beautiful kids. When her family obligations allow, she likes to travel and to enjoy the natural beauties of Croatia and other countries.

 Career timeline
 - RSM Croatia 2008. – today -Partner and manager in auditing 
- BDO Croatia -2008. – 2008. - senior in auditing

Professional certification
February 2012 – university specialist in business economics (univ.spec.oec), Faculty of Economics, University of Zagreb, majoring in Management Accounting and Internal Audit.
December 2007 – Graduated in Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Zagreb, majoring in Finance 
December 2012 – authorized auditor, Croatian Chamber of Auditors 
December 2013 – authorized internal auditor, Croatian Association of Accountants and Financial Workers, Section of Internal Auditors