RSM Dominicana, S.R.L (RSM Dominicana) incorporated under the laws of the Dominican Republic as a Limited Liability Company on June 29, 2012 and under the name of MBA Auditores y Consultores, S. R. L. in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

Our Firm is an active member of the Certified Public Accountants Institute of the Dominican Republic (ICPARD) under registration No. 99-515 since August 17th, 2012 and is also in the process of being authorized by the Banks, Insurance, Securities and Pensions superintendences of the Dominican Republic. Similarly, the Firm is in the process of being approved in the firms record the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Bank in order to audit projects implemented with funds donated by these institutions.

In the Dominican Republic, in addition to two partners, our Firm consists of more than fifteen professionals within the practices of Audit, Tax and Advisory.

RSM Dominicana is one of the top public accountants and business consulting firms in the Dominican Republic and the member firm of RSM International (RSMI) in our country.

RSM Representation

RSM International is a worldwide network of independent accounting and enterprise consulting firms, leader on auditing, tax and consulting services since 1964 and with representation in more than 100 countries and ranked the sixth largest network of independent audit, tax and advisory firms in the world.

We offer reliable and convenient access to quality services among our member firms across the world.  RSM covers 120 countries, over 900 offices and more than 65,000 professionals and support staff. Our clients have the support of RSM International global network to get information and foreknowledge on best practices and business contacts, personalized attention and advisory required to make investments, alliances, mergers, acquisitions and product distribution in other countries.

We can put our clients in contact with any of our international offices; facilitating access to the professional advice that they may need and a customized communication with places where they wish to establish or do business, or build strategic alliances, associations and/or product distribution. We are able to personally open doors for doing business in the country you may decide.