Our strength : a unique department of 25 RSM consultants, experts in social housing and local public enterprises (EPL), dedicated to addressing your financial challenges.
Your challenges
As a key player in France’s social housing sector—whether as a Social Housing Enterprise (ESH), Public Housing Office (OPH), Mixed-Ownership Rental Company (SEM), Local Public Enterprise (EPL), HLM Cooperative (Coop' HLM), or Coordination Company (SAC)—you must adapt to major industry restructurings.
Rising costs (energy, insurance, construction), decarbonization, environmental regulations, property renovations, and increasing demand present significant challenges for social landlords. Addressing these requires a deep assessment of business models and heightened vigilance over financial health.
Our tailored solutions
A recognized partner in your ecosystem, RSM currently supports over 90 social housing organizations. Our consultants, who have held key financial or IT positions within social landlords, bring in-depth industry expertise. We operate nationwide, offering a range of audit, accounting, and advisory services backed by detailed benchmarks.
To ensure the quality of your financial and non-financial information—within a sector regulated by the French Construction and Housing Code—our statutory audit engagements are conducted by professionals exclusively dedicated to social housing stakeholders of all sizes (managing between 5,000 and over 100,000 housing units) across France.
Our unique organization guarantees:
An efficient audit that optimizes your teams’ involvement;
Best practice sharing across all sector players, regardless of size;
Industry benchmarking while maintaining strict data confidentiality.
As true partners, our sector-specialist consultants support your financial management team in all accounting matters, either as an outsourced service or in collaboration with your in-house team:
- Bookkeeping and financial statement review;
- Preparation of statutory, consolidated, and combined financial statements, as well as regulatory reports;
- Preparation and analysis of Financial and Accounting Status Reports (FSFC);
- Tax compliance (corporate tax, VAT, property tax relief);
- Production of medium-term financial projections.
RSM’s social housing consulting team also supports you in strategic areas, including:
- Financial organization audits;
- Financial diagnostics;
- Internal control reviews and operational process security (procurement, rent invoicing, charge regularization);
- Onboarding support for CFOs in the sector;
- HR support: interim management, recruitment, shared-time arrangements;
- Development of dashboards for financial and performance indicator tracking;
- Implementation of cost accounting and sectorization of activities (SIEG/non-SIEG, regulated/non-regulated);
- Legal restructuring and consolidation assistance.
Depending on your needs, our teams collaborate with other RSM experts in fraud prevention, data analytics, IT systems, CSR, and taxation.
To provide up-to-date insights on industry practices and regulatory developments, Hélène Kermorgant—RSM Partner and statutory auditor specializing in social housing—actively participates in leading professional organizations, including:
- L'Union sociale pour l'Habitat
- La Fédération nationale des offices publics de l'habitat
- La Fédération nationale des sociétés coopératives d'HLM
- La Direction de l'Habitat, de l'Urbanisme et des Paysages (DHUP)
- L'Agence Nationale de contrôle du logement social (ANCOLS)