2024 Indonesia Economy and Taxation Outlook

Wednesday | 20 December 2023

In recent times, Indonesia's economy has grown steadily thanks to several reasons including government spending, investment, and domestic consumption. The GDP of Indonesia places it among the biggest economies in Asia, and it has a vast and expanding economy.

Indonesia's sectors are varied and include manufacturing, services, tourism, mining, and agriculture.

The economy is heavily reliant on agriculture, with Indonesia being a major exporter of goods including coffee, rubber, and palm oil.

A healthy economy will often contribute a healthy amount of tax revenue.

It was a successful year for the government last year, raising more tax revenue than anticipated from taxes.

The Ministry of Finance is extremely hopeful that the tax revenue budget for 2023 will likewise probably be met.

In 2024, the international taxation scene will undergo several dynamic changes in addition to local regulatory changes.

It is expected that countries will begin to implement the BEPS two pillars’ initiatives and move on to the next phase.

During the 120-minutes webinar, key and projected trends in the economy and taxation in 2024 will be covered. 



Ichwan Sukardi - Head of Tax RSM Indonesia

Faisal Basri - Economist


02.00 PM - 04.00 PM

Event Details


20 December 2023


14:00 - 16:00 Asia/Jakarta