Mulyo Basuki
Tax Partner


Current role description

Mulyo is a Partner for Tax Practice in RSM Indonesia with more than 20 years of professional experience. 

Current service skills and experience

Mulyo is specialized in leading corporate tax advisory, tax compliance, tax appeal, tax objection, tax due diligence, tax audit and dispute to a diversified portfolio of clients. He is also experienced in transfer pricing cases and its documentations.

Mulyo has ground experience in dealing with Indonesian tax authorities and other governing authorities and has successfully helped his clients to resolve some of the major tax dispute cases.

Current sector or industry expertise

Mulyo is well recognized for his ability to provide tax solutions to local and international organizations across different industries, including oil and gas, coal mining, F&B, and others.

Approach to service delivery and other

Mulyo is highly knowledgeable in client business and the services delivered. He provides advice on complex tax issues taking into consideration not only tax regulations but also business and practical considerations. During providing services, he is supported by an experienced and professional team members.


  • Bachelor of Economics, majoring in Accounting, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
  • Bachelor of Laws, Universitas Pancasila, Indonesia
  • Master of Laws, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Registered Tax Attorney, the Indonesian Tax Court
  • Registered Tax Consultant, Brevet C Category, the Directorate General of Taxes
  • Chartered Accountant Indonesia (CA), the IAI