As a business owner, financial reporting can be another tool in your arsenal to grow your business and out-perform your competitors. In today’s volatile and fast-paced business environment, analysing the current and past financial trends of your business can help predict the likelihood of future events.
Of course, this analysis needs to be conducted quickly, with agility and the foresight to understand the data and to make decisions based on it.
Our financial reporting team will ensure your business retains control of preparation of financial statements - for single entities or consolidation of group financial statements - while also sharing our expertise in the more technical aspects of financial reporting in the modern economy with your people.
RSM Ireland’s financial reporting team have a wealth of expertise and specialise in the following:
- Generally Accepted Accounting Practice in the UK & Ireland (GAAP) including FRS 102 and FRS 105;
- International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS); and
- Compliance with the Companies Act 2014.
As your finance team will be aware, accounting standards and company law are constantly changing and evolving. Working alongside our financial reporting team will give accounting professionals in your organisation the support and comfort they need in this environment.
Crucial areas include:
- Financial reporting consolidation
- Business combinations and goodwill
- Disclosure of financial instruments
- Inter-group and director loans
For more information about how RSM’s Financial Reporting team can help your business, contact us.