Each family's wealth management is unique, presenting new opportunities and challenges daily.
Therefore, it is important to have the best advisors and professionals by your side to help you realize your family vision.
RSM Israel's Family Office Department offers a variety of consulting services and business solutions to assist you. You can be confident that you will receive the best advice and that your family's future is in good hands with us.
We specialize in building investment strategies and financial planning for wealthy families, high-net-worth individuals, corporations, and companies in Israel with a variety of products: investment portfolio management, financial policies, study funds, provident funds, Section 190, IRA, executive insurance, pension funds, hedge funds, real estate funds, and more. Our office provides a wide range of services to private clients, self-employed individuals, corporations, and intergenerational wealth transfer planning and support services.
We manage the family's financial wealth optimally, assessing risk and adapting it to the client's needs, and accompany them step by step along the way. The services include ongoing supervision and reporting on the family or business investment portfolio.
Our wealth management method comprehensively and professionally examines the client's entire assets. We outline the investment strategy tailored to the client's needs individually, maintain and review the asset portfolio's activity continuously and transparently, with the ability to assess performance at any time. Risk management and product evaluation are done meticulously because we believe that the best foundation for asset strategy management is preserving and protecting capital.
We provide the following services:
Family wealth management.
Reducing the costs of portfolio management and assisting in selecting investment managers.
Planning investment strategies according to the client's risk profile.
Ongoing monitoring of asset portfolio management and risk management in the portfolio.
Evaluating alternative investments.
Insurance coverage.
Intergenerational wealth transfer.
Ongoing tax planning and inheritance taxes.
Intergenerational business transfer.
Philanthropy and charity.
Risk management services.
Information security services and technological solutions for privacy protection.
Legal support for all services, including investment agreements in ventures.
Tax consulting on investments, trusts, and foreign investments.
Our added values:
Mapping financial assets, real estate assets, and other assets – examining, mapping, and valuing all the client's assets and liabilities.
Assessing risk level and desired income flow – defining financial goals. Personalization and expectation alignment.
Formulating a comprehensive investment policy – creating strategic asset allocation. Financial planning with an emphasis on return versus risk.
Recommendations and access to all types of investments while selecting an efficient and suitable mix – choosing managers and investment instruments with independent and objective service. The goal is to combine advanced investment channels such as investment funds, hedge funds, and alternative investments, alongside current investment in financial markets in Israel and worldwide. This combination creates optimal alignment of return versus risk.
Ongoing management and monitoring of investments – centralizing the connection with banks in Israel and abroad and with financial producers. Managing and controlling all assets in the portfolio and recommending new investments and changes in the investment portfolio. Long-term vision and absolute commitment to the client's interests.
Reporting at a frequency suitable for the client – periodic review of capital markets in Israel and worldwide. Periodic analysis of the overall investment portfolio, its return, and mapping new risk factors that have emerged. We will ensure that the client receives professional response to any event occurring with them or in the financial markets, with direct and ongoing communication.
Personal and professional service – the personal relationship, dedicated care, pleasant atmosphere, and mutual trust are our cornerstones and will provide you and your family with peace of mind, a sense of security and stability, and cost savings.