Ryo Mitsui
Senior Manager

Ryo Mitsui
Job title
Senior Manager

Ryo Mitsui joined Shiodome Partners Group in 2017 after working for an accounting firm in Tokyo. His main roles are engaging in accounting and tax services for SMEs, tax advisory for business owners and wealthy individuals, inheritance tax returns, gift tax returns, income tax returns, stock valuation for unlisted companies, inheritance tax planning, and tax audit witness services for real estate transactions. He is an expert in business inheritance and understands the key issues many second generation owners/managers have, and provides a comprehensive solution.

Services Provided

Industry Provided

  • Manufacturing 
  • Real Estate 
  • Construction 
  • Retail, Wholesale & Distribution 
  • Information & Communications 
  • Technology 
  • Education 
  • Health & Social Care 
  • Hospitality & Services 
  • Investment Management


  • CPTA (Certified Public Tax Accountant)