The effective introduction, implementation and embedding of risk management systems within an organisation’s own strategic and operational decision making processes is essential for an organisation's success. We have professionals who specialise in enterprise risk management and can provide the following services and solutions:

Risk Management Policy & Strategy

As the culture of understanding and embracing risk management increases, so does the expectation and requirement for organisations to adopt appropriate policies and strategies. RSM firms can assess your operations and controls to help you determine your organisational risk appetite and maturity, introduce a risk management framework and understand the risks your organisation is facing. We can prepare a risk management strategy with policies covering your people, your computers and information systems and internal control procedures and security.

Risk Awareness Training

If a risk management strategy is to be truly successful, organisations must embed a risk management philosophy throughout the organisation. Consequently, board members and senior management must understand and buy into risk management to drive forward a risk enabled organisation. As risks start to be devolved and managed at departmental and divisional levels it is imperative that all those involved in the process are fully trained on what is expected of them.

RSM firms provide management training to meet the specific needs of your organisation.

Risk Identification & Evaluation

Organisations are increasingly being expected to demonstrate that they have effectively evaluated the risks they are exposed to and have put into place appropriate controls to try to prevent the ‘worse case’ scenarios becoming a reality.

Our firms will work with you to identify the risks you face and evaluate their potential threat to your organisation. 


Contact us by phone     
Т: +7 727 325 55 55     
М: +7 701 734 57 86     
or submit your questions, comments, or proposal requests.