Is your understanding of IFRS fully joined up? RSM can guide you through the business implications of IFRS.

Over 100 countries now use International Financial Reporting Standards, a number that is set to rise to around 150 countries over the next five years. If you are an ambitious, internationally-active growing organisation with plans to expand into overseas markets, you need precise, tailored advice on IFRS.

International expansion plans often involve cross-border acquisitions or joint ventures abroad, raising international debt finance, developing relationships with private equity houses or raising capital from the equity markets, whether at home or abroad. Such transactions are increasingly likely to call for a detailed understanding of IFRS.

Around the world, we have experts in IFRS who have developed over a number of years an in-depth expertise in IFRS and their implications in local markets. The IFRS experts within RSM will support and guide your business through a range of potentially complex IFRS issues. 

Our IFRS services (comprising full IFRS and the IFRS for SMEs) include:

  • IFRS conversion projects
  • Due diligence in an IFRS environment
  • Valuations involved in business combinations and implementing the acquisition method
  • Advice on structuring share option plans and other share-based payments
  • Audit of IFRS financial statements
  • Reconciliations between IFRS and other GAAPs (US or local GAAP)
  • IFRS training and technical assistance
  • Assistance in the preparation of IFRS accounting manuals and their implementation.




Contact us by phone   
Т: +7 727 325 55 55   
М: +7 701 734 57 86   
or submit your questions, comments, or proposal requests.