Our cross disciplinary expert team can assist with:

  • Submission of Tax returns
  • Reviewing the expatriate contracts
  • Reviewing the policies and procedures on sending employees cross border and to advise on tax impact
  • Share option and global reward scheme issues
  • Short term assignees to Malaysia
  • Advice to employers on their tax obligations and tax minimisation measures
  • Advice on tax efficient remuneration package
  • Hypothetical tax calculation
  • Obtaining tax exemption under the tax treaties

Managing an expatriate workforce has become increasingly complex and time consuming. The challenge faced by most MNCs today in moving people across borders is how to ensure tax compliance when relocating employees to another tax jurisdiction. Besides having to grapple with the issue of attracting, motivating and retaining talents in a highly competitive business environment, MNCs have to consider how to minimize the tax risks and costs of employment. New compliance obligations for employers means that this is now an area which warrants increasing attention.


How we can help you?

At RSM Tax Consultants (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, our team of dedicated and experienced professionals will ensure that right solutions are provided to the clients. With in-depth knowledge and understanding of the various issues, our team is able to provide customised plans that suit your specific needs and assist the expatriate and HR department to minimise their time and cost in tax compliance.

We offer practical, commercial solutions to help the employer successfully negotiate the complexities of tax whilst also considering HR policies and employment law.

We are supported by international expertise of the member firms of RSM International. These will provide us with the necessary global strength and regional knowledge to understand the local sensitivity to service our client effectively.

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