The Royal Malaysian Customs Department has reintroduced Sales and Service Tax (“SST”) with effect from 1 September 2018. SST is governed by two (2) separate laws which are Sales Tax Act 2018 and Service Tax Act 2018. The above Acts has numerous Standard Operating Procedures which need to be complied with. Non-compliance will result in reassessment of tax plus hefty penalties and fines.

RSM Tax Consultants (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (“RSM”) is one of pioneers in indirect tax specializing in a wide range of services from sales tax, service tax, customs audits and investigations as well as import-export procedures, conducting goods and services tax (“GST”) closure audits. RSM focuses its attention on each specialized industry to identify areas that need to be in compliance with the Standard Operating Procedures and offers professional advice on not only how to comply with these procedures but also on how to compute the tax and duties correctly as well as how to enjoy the various facilities and exemptions provided by the Royal Customs Department in order to maximize tax savings.

RSM has a team of experienced employees who have the necessary experience and training to handle all types of customs, sales tax, service tax and GST matters. Customs procedures are constantly changing with amendments to existing legislations coming into force each year as well as the Standard Operating Procedures being updated on a continuous basis to reflect the changes in business and international trade. Our team is continuously updating all customs procedures and keeps abreast of all developments taking place in the Royal Malaysian Customs Department to offer our clients the best and most accurate advice on customs procedures and documentation. They have specialized practical knowledge on various customs procedures as well as skill and tact to deal with Customs officers in order to ensure a successful and favourable outcome for our clients.

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