Mr. Solís Ibarra has previously served as Director of Audit for the Comptroller General of the Republic of Nicaragua. In the Institute of Public Accountants of Nicaragua he has been President of the Board of Directors on two occasions (July 2011 to, June 2012 and July 2014 to June 2015), He was also President of the Court of Honor on two occasions, and also served as President of keys Technical Committees that led to the adoption of International Standards for the accounting profession and the preparation and presentation of financial information in the country.

At a global level, Mr. Solis Ibarra has served for several years at the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) as a member of the "Development Committee of the Professional Accounting Organizations (PAODC)", currently "Group of Advisory and Development of the Professional Accounting Organizations ”(PAO Dev and Advisory Group).

To be the Firm that, structurally and operationally, provides the most effective response to the Nicaraguan business market and investors in general in Audit, Tax, Advisory, Legal and accounting Outsourcing services, with the ability to respond locally and globally to their needs through a dynamic and solid international network of associates with agility, consistency of quality and high commitment.

Constituida en 2010

Conformada por ex Socios, Gerentes y Staff Profesional de lo que anteriormente se denominaba “Deloitte Touche & Solís, S.A.” (Deloitte). Nuestros Socios y profesionales conjuntamente suman más de 50 años de experiencia profesional, principalmente como Socios o Gerentes de grandes Firmas Internacionales, así como Staff profesional de otras grandes Firmas, sumando actualmente más de treinta profesionales en especializaciones tales como; Contaduría Pública y Auditoria, Especialistas de TI, Asesoría y Cumplimiento Tributario, Cumplimiento con Leyes y Regulaciones Sectoriales y Asesores en Riesgos.

Nuestro Socio Director

Freddy Solís Ibarra fue fundador de la anteriormente conocida como “Deloitte Touche & Solís” y estuvo por aproximadamente 17 años como socio para Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras y República Dominicana, siendo además el Líder Funcional del Área de Negocios de Energy & Resources para dichos países, y referente de ese sector para Latinoamérica, con Amplia experiencia adicional en Auditoria de Banca Central y Comercial, Banca de Segundo Piso, Instituciones Financieras y Microfinancieras, Seguros y Reaseguros, Empreas Portuarias, Industria del Azucar, Energia (Generacion, Transmision y Distribucion provenientes de fuentes Termicas, Geotermicas, Eolicas, etc.), Comunicaciones, Zonas Francas, y amplia variedad de empresas para estatales, Agronegocios, Retail, Zonas francas etc..