As a student, you have many opportunities at RSM.

For those of you who are studying, there are numerous opportunities to get to know us. We are committed to providing outstanding opportunities for students, including offering internships across all our business areas and at multiple offices. You can also meet us on campus during career days and company presentations. Learn more about your opportunities at RSM below ⬇️

Our internships are advertised in September and start in January.

Meet our 2024 interns


Read about what it's like to be an intern

We are located here:

We have offices from Kristiansand in the south to Trondheim in the north. Altogether, we are represented in ten different cities in Norway. We offer internships at several of our locations – see below for more information about the different offices.

Meet us where you are.

We actively participate in career days, student events, and hold company presentations so that you can get to know us better, meet our employees, and learn more about what everyday life is like at RSM. Below you will find an overview of when we will be visiting your campus. 👇


12. september: Karrieredag
22. oktober: Bedriftspresentasjon

Bergen - Grieghallen:

24. september: Karrieredag

BI Oslo:

19. september: Karrieredag


26. september: Karrieredag
03. oktober: Bedriftspresentasjon


16. oktober: Karrieredag

Want to know more?

Please contact Live og Astrid, who can help you.

Almost finished with your studies?