Henriette Henriksen Waage


Henriette is Associate in RSM Advokatfirma AS (law firm), which is affiliated with the audit and advisory firm RSM Norge AS and serves both as a legal department for the audit firm and as an independent law firm, focusing mainly on tax, VAT, company law/structuring, real estate, construction and building, and transactions.

Henriette has a Bachelor’s in Political Science from the University of Oslo and finished her Master’s in Law in the autumn of 2022, also from the University of Oslo. During her law studies she specialized within Corporation Law, Insurance Law and GDPR and her master’s thesis was within Civil procedure law about The Principle of Equality of Arms within Small Claim procedures. Through most of her law studies, Henriette worked as a permanent trainee in a law firm in Oslo that mainly deals with Monetary Claim Law. In addition, she had the managing responsibility for all the student employees there.