The purpose of all financial reporting is to show how a company's value is created and managed, and the communication of financial information requires insight into both the company's processes and a complex regulatory framework. Transparent and informative financial reporting is essential for the valuation of your company, but the responsibility to comply with a complex and extensive set of regulations unfortunately takes up significant time and resources within the accounting and finance departments.
At RSM, we observe an accelerating trend, with increasing expectations from investors, analysts, regulators, and other market participants. The businesses that report are becoming more complex, and the number of transactions is rising. Boards of directors and audit committees are also placing higher demands on finance departments, expecting shorter reporting deadlines, greater accuracy, and extensive additional information on alternative performance measures and key financial indicators.
Our team has broad experience supporting finance and accounting functions across various industries, and we can provide both technical solutions, capacity, and guidance. We can handle all aspects of the process for preparing financial information, ensuring that the expectations of both internal and external stakeholders are met.
Our services include, among others:
- Preparation of high-quality annual and interim reports
- Quality assurance of annual and interim reports, ensuring the information presented is both complete and relevant
- Accounting assessments that highlight the effects of new transactions, standards, or accounting principles
- Preparation of accounting documentation and calculations that support chosen solutions
- Assessment of the accounting treatment for complex transactions, such as acquisitions, mergers, carve-outs, or restructurings
- Documentation of group accounting principles, accounting manuals, and process descriptions
- Consolidation services, both for external reporting to prepare pro-forma information and as a basis for internal decision-making processes
- Training, workshops, and educational programs for your organization