Today, sustainability is no longer just an option—it's a necessity. Embedding Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) into your strategy and DNA enables you to implement responsible business practices to drive sustainable growth. Our customized ESG and Sustainability Consulting Services are designed to help your organization navigate the intricacies of sustainable development while optimizing value and competitive advantage.

Why ESG?


Innovation and Long-term Growth

Sustainability drives innovation. Our strategies help you develop new products, services, and business models that are not only environmentally and socially friendly but also profitable, ensuring long-term success.

Employee Engagement and Retention

A strong ESG program enhances employee morale and retention by creating a sense of purpose and pride in the workplace. Engaged employees are more productive and committed to the company’s mission.


Regulatory Compliance and Risk Mitigation

Stay ahead of regulatory requirements and avoid penalties by ensuring your operations meet current and future ESG standards. Our proactive approach helps you navigate the regulatory landscape with confidence.


Operational Efficiency and Cost Savings

Implementing sustainable practices often leads to increased efficiency and reduced operational costs. We identify areas where you can save resources and cut expenses without compromising quality.

Access to Capital

Many investors now consider ESG factors in their decision-making processes. By improving your ESG performance and rating, you can attract and retain investment, opening up opportunities for funding and growth.

Enhanced Reputation and Brand Loyalty 

Demonstrating a commitment to sustainability can significantly boost your brand’s reputation and customer loyalty. Consumers and investors are increasingly favoring companies that prioritize ESG principles.

Our Services

With a team of dedicated experts and support from our RSM network, we provide tailored solutions that meet your specific needs. Our holistic approach ensures that every aspect of your ESG and sustainability journey is covered, from initial assessment to implementation and beyond. Our comprehensive advisory services cover a broad spectrum of ESG and sustainability needs:

We help you improve your existing ESG Program and processes by identifying gaps, benchmarking with leading practices and globally accepted standards, and recommending improvement opportunities.

We help you create a robust ESG strategy that aligns with your business goals, stakeholder expectations, and regulatory requirements. This includes setting achievable targets, defining key performance indicators, and integrating ESG principles into your core operations.

Our team can assist you in preparing transparent sustainability reports that comply with global standards such as GRI, SASB, and TCFD. We ensure your reporting not only meets regulatory demands but also communicates your sustainability efforts effectively to stakeholders.

We conduct thorough assessments to identify ESG-related risks and opportunities within your industry. By understanding these factors, we help you mitigate potential risks and capitalize on opportunities for growth and innovation.

We conduct limited or reasonable assurance for your sustainability reports to provide more credibility. In the Philippines, the Extended Producers Law (EPR) requires obliged enterprises to register their EPR Program and submit an annual external compliance assurance report on their program and reported plastic footprints towards a circular economy.  We provide assurance services to Obliged Enterprises’ plastic footprint and waste diversion accomplishment.

Our Specialists

Partner, Audit Services
Partner, Advisory Services
Partner, Audit Services

Your commitment to sustainability begins here. Let us guide you toward a greener future and a better world!


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