
Managing Partner and Chief Operating Officer
Managing Partner for Audit
Audit Partner and Risk Management Head
Audit Partner and Partner for External Relations, Communications and Staff Development
Managing Partner for Tax
Partner, Audit Services
Audit Partner and Partner in charge of Iloilo Branch
Audit Partner and Chief Finance Officer
Principal, Tax Services
Partner, Audit Services and Partner in charge of Administration
Partner, Audit Services
Tax Partner and Head Tax Compliance Group
Tax Partner and Head Tax Advocacy Group
Audit Partner and Head of Branches
Partner, Audit Services
Audit Partner and Partner in charge of Cebu & Davao Branch
Partner, Audit Services
Tax Principal and Data Protection Officer
Managing Partner for Advisory and Digital Transformation
Partner, Audit Services
Partner, Audit Services
Partner, Audit Services
Partner, Audit Services
Partner, Audit Services
Partner, Audit Services
Partner, Audit Services
Partner, Tax Services
Partner, Advisory Services
Partner, Advisory Services
Partner, Audit Services
Partner, Audit Services
Partner, Audit Services
Partner, Tax Services