In a nutshell

The average annual salary paid in Serbia in 2018 is RSD 823,548, that is approx. EUR 6,965 (Official Gazette RS, No. 13/2019).

Individuals required to file annual income tax returns are individuals whose net income earned in 2018 is higher than RSD 2,470,644 (three times average annual salary, approx. EUR 20,895).

According to Serbian Personal Income Tax Law, individuals required to pay Serbian annual tax liability are:

  • Serbian Residents on their worldwide income
  • Serbian non-residents on their Serbian sourced income.

Deductions and allowances

The same personal deductions and allowances apply to both Serbian and foreign nationals:

  • In the case of the taxpayer: RSD 329.419 (40% of the average annual salary – approx. EUR 2,785);
  • In the case of dependent family members: RSD 123.532 (15% of the average annual salary per dependent – approx. EUR 1,044)


The deadline for filing of the annual income tax return for 2018 is May 15, 2019.