The Official Gazette RS No. 50/20, dated 3 April 2020, has published Government Conclusion 05 No. 53-3008/2020-2.

With this conclusion, in point 1, employers are recommended to amend their general act, i.e. employment contract or other individual act, in the part that regulates the remuneration, i.e. the remuneration, so that employees who are temporary  absent from work due to a confirmed infectious disease COVID-19 or due to the measure of isolation or self-isolation ordered in connection with the disease, which has occurred as a result of direct exposure to risk from the performance of their jobs and duties, or official duties and contact with persons with whom Confirmed COVID-19 disease or an ordered measure of isolation or self-isolation will provide a 100% wage entitlement basis.

Point 2 of the Conclusion, employers are recommended to provide employees with the rights referred to in point 1 of this Conclusion by:

  • for the first 30 days of absence from work, the amount of compensation for the payment of earnings from their funds;
  • Starting from the 31st day of absence from work, the amount of the salary compensation by providing the statutory amount of the salary compensation from the compulsory health insurance funds and providing the difference up to 100% of the basis for the salary compensation from their funds.

The employee shall prove the absence from work referred to in point 1 of this Conclusion by a decision of the competent authority (sanitary inspector, authority competent to control the crossing of the state border, customs authority, excerpt from the Ministry of the Interior, etc.) or report of the doctor on temporary work prevention (remittance), in accordance with the law.

Application forms for issuing a home insulation confirmation

The Ministry of Health website has published requirements for issuing an isolation confirmation, namely:

  • Request No. 1 for the issuance of a certificate of isolation for a passenger on international traffic ordering the emergency medical surveillance of acute respiratory disease caused by the new Korona virus SARS-CoV-2 for 14/28 days (isolation at home) and
  • Request No. 2 for issuing a certificate of isolation for a contact person in the Republic of Serbia who has determined an emergency measure of placing under the medical supervision of acute respiratory illness caused by the new Korona virus SARS-CoV-2 for 14/28 days (isolation at home ).

The Applicant submits the completed application form via e-mail: [email protected]. The employee need to submit the receipt to the employer in order to exercise the right to remuneration.

Decision on paid leave of up to 45 days

During a state of emergency, employers may refer their employees for paid leave to reduce the volume or interruption of work for the first 45 working days of the current year, in which case the only solution issued by the employer to the employee is sufficient.

An application for consent to allow paid leave shall be submitted to the Ministry only after the employer has used the first 45 working days of paid leave, or shortly before the expiry of that period, if it estimates that the need to refer employees to paid leave will continue beyond 45 working days.

So, please note that for sending employees on paid leave for the first 45 days you do not need to send a request for consent to the Ministry.

Notification of the submission of an application for exercising pension and disability insurance rights electronically

Bearing in mind that the measures of the Government of the Republic of Serbia prohibit the direct admission of parties in the official premises of public services, that is, the Fund, we inform you that during the state of emergency, introduced in order to prevent the emergence, spread and suppression of the COVID-19 virus, it is possible to:

  • Requirements for exercising pension and disability insurance rights,
  • requirements for issuing certificates on data registered in the evidence;
  • requirements for applying for insurance and deregistration through the Portal of the Central Registry of Compulsory Social Security.

you can also send to the Fund's e-mail address [email protected]; [email protected] and [email protected]