The Tax Administration informs that the provisions of the Regulation on Fiscal Benefits and Direct Benefits to Private Sector Enterprises and Financial Assistance to Citizens in order to Mitigate the Economic Consequences of COVID 19 (“RS Official Gazette”, No. 54/2020, hereinafter: the Regulation ) regulated deferral of maturity for payment of certain public revenues which in accordance with tax laws due for payment in period 1 April to 30 June 2020, exceptionally until 31 July 2020, as well as direct payments from budget of the Republic of Serbia.

Private-sector economic entities may be delayed to pay, in addition to taxes and contributions to wages and salaries and advances on corporate income taxes, as well as advance taxes and contributions to self-employment income for March, April and May 2020.

In this regard, the Tax Administration informs that on May 4, 2020, it will postpone the due date for payment of corporate tax advance payment and advance payment of taxes and contributions on self-employment income for those economic entities that have opted and qualify for use. fiscal benefits and direct benefits, in accordance with the Regulation.

Namely, after the end of April, that is, after the filing of PPP PD tax returns for employees, as well as automatically for taxpayers who do not have employees, the Tax Administration will compile a list of economic entities that will be subject to verification of compliance with the conditions for use of fiscal benefits and direct benefits referred to in Article 3 of the Regulation, ie. fulfillment of the conditions that they did not reduce the number of employees by more than 10%, starting from 15 March 2020 until 10 April 2020, as the date of entry into force of the Regulation, that is, until 30.04.2020 years.

Business entities that meet the requirements under the Regulation will be paid direct payments, as well as deferral of the advances of profit tax, that is, taxes and contributions on income from the exercise of independent activity.

At the moment, the said advance payments for March 2020 have been posted on the taxpayers' card, but the delay of their maturity will be recorded in tax accounting on May 4, 2020, after the eligibility for using benefits in accordance with the Regulation has been checked.

The maturity of corporate tax advance payments for March, April, and May 2020 is deferred until the submission of the final corporate income tax return for 2020, that is, for taxpayers with a business year other than the calendar year for the tax period commences or ends in 2020, for income tax advance payments due on April 15, 2020, May 15, 2020 and June 15, 2020, until the filing of the final corporate income tax return for the relevant tax period.

The maturity of self-employment income tax payments for March, April and May 2020 is deferred until the submission of the final tax return for determining taxes and contributions for compulsory social security by self-taxation on self-employment income for 2020.