In April, three of our staff members from Johannesburg were flown over to London to take part in an RSM brand photo shoot. Below is a look at the whole experience by Lehlohonolo Tladi (LT).

I was told about the photoshoot on the 1st of April, It was rather odd to be invited for a PHOTO SHOOT… In a DIFFERENT COUNTRY and I thought to myself it had to be an April fool’s joke… The funniest ever!

We (Lebogang, Tonny and I) accepted the invite and started with the preparations. This was my first visit abroad so I did not know what to expect. First on the list was to apply for VISAs. We booked an appointment and got all the necessary documents and went to the UK Embassy in Sandton. However when we got there the complications got me smiling to myself thinking that a camera is around here somewhere and an RSM employee will pop out and finally say those two words that would be devastating, “April Fools!” After a few delays, we eventually got our VISAs the day we had to leave South Africa.

When we got to Heathrow Airport, we were told to use the tube (which is London’s underground railway system) to get to the hotel. The tubes were actually quite easy and simple to use so we wouldn’t get lost, or so we thought...   

Most of the stations are underground, with a lot of escalators and a lot more stairs. It is an excellent way to move around the London City. After familiarising ourselves with the tube maps, we headed towards the right station and finally got to the hotel at around 11am. We could only check in at 3pm, so with the time to spare we decided to check out one of the tourist attractions in London – namely Marble Arch. Before using the right tube, we had realised that getting lost really does make one hungry so we went to look for a place to eat and this is where we discovered the foreign exchange rate effect of the Pound to the Rand. Hint for anybody going to the UK, never think in Rands. 1 pound is 1 pound. Don’t convert!

Upon entering the place, one of the waiters asked if we would like a table for free. We looked at each other as if we didn’t hear the man correctly. We did though but still waited for the gentleman to ask again. “Table for free yeah”. “Yes, table for three please”. Yes, the accent caused the confusion. We felt good about not get that wrong, we were feeling like we were part of London already.

After a hearty breakfast, we headed to Marble Arch, which meant using the tubes. This time we had mastered the routes of the tubes and knew exactly how and where (most important) to get on and off.

The Photo shoot

After getting almost no sleep from the excitement, the day of photo shoot had arrived. The studio was walking distance from the hotel, so getting there was not a problem (even though we asked someone for directions).

When we arrived at the photo shoot we met David and Rebecca, who are part of the RSM Global Executive Team. They were very helpful and explained what will be happening and introduced us to the crew. The setting was very professional but we were relaxed and didn’t feel much pressure. Lebo was to start in the morning, Tonny and myself would then follow late in the afternoon.

During the free time we had after Lebo’s photoshoot, we got into a taxi and had an opportunity to visit the RSM International office, where we met Gisela who gave us a stour of the office. Everyone was very welcoming and friendly and it was very pleasant talking to Belinda and Tessa who know South Africa and frequently visit when possible. Regrettably, we did not get a chance to meet Jean Stephens. However, we were very pleased to have visited the offices and grateful to have been there. The offices had a professional and comfortable feel and dare I say a very beautiful kitchen area.dsc_0807.jpg

After a lovely Thai Lunch (sponsored by RSMi), we had spare time to roam around the area before Tonny and I had our photo shoot. We had the opportunity to see Saint Paul’s Cathedral which was more or less 5 minutes walking distance from RSMi office, which was a spectacular sight to behold.

We then returned to the RSMi offices were our taxi had arrived to take us back to the studio. We noticed that the taxi had the name “Lebo” on an A4 page which was stuck to the Window. Lebo felt so honoured, Tonny and I cheered and waited a while to see when our taxis would arrive. We then got into “Lebo’s” Taxi and headed back to the studio.

When we got to the studio, Tonny and I went to the changing room where we were required to put on make-up. After our faces were fluffed, we were ready for lights, camera and flashes.

When it was my turn to have photos taken, I realised what Lebo and Tonny went through. Taking pictures and smiling was not too bad however, talking to the photographer about IFRS, tax and auditing was quite a challenge. During the shoot I was asked to engage in conversation with Lebo about the Rand to Pound exchange rate. I was then asked to give a rather serious look instead of smiling.

The photo shoot was a uniquely marvellous experience and the crew was amazing. It is an opportunity we won’t ever forget.

That evening we saw the most amazing building - “Nandos” - and man were we proud! Not because we are chicken lovers, but because a part of South Africa was in London City. Another fast food restaurant that reminded us of South Africa was a restaurant called “BUNNYCHOW”, which was situated not far from Trafalgar Square.

On our last day, we went out and saw some magnificent sights such as London Bridge, Tower Bridge, London Eye and Big Ben which were also spectacular sights. Unfortunately, we didn’t managed to get to see Buckingham Palace.

I would like to thank RSM for a fantastic opportunity. The flights and hotel accommodation was also fantastic. Thank you for having us as part of the RSM photo shoot experience.

Lehlohonolo Tladi

Supervisor: Audit, Johannesburg

Also read: RSM South Africa is RSM Member Firm of the Year!