Tailored consulting solutions to maximise tax efficiency

Tax pervades every part of our lives, both business and personal. We provide tax services that are practical, relevant and focused on our clients’ specific business and personal requirements, whatever their size or industry. At RSM, you have access to senior experts who are dedicated to finding the best possible tax solutions for your business.

When assessing your tax needs, it is no longer acceptable to merely focus on local laws and regulations. We are living in an age where there is regularly some form of international exposure in a transaction, be it on a personal scale or within a business structure.

We are ideally placed to address these aspects, offering tax advice from both local experts and RSM member firms across the world. RSM specialises in working with organisations that require in-depth, up-to-date knowledge of local rules together with seamless co-operation between tax professionals in different jurisdictions.

Our objective is to ensure our clients comply with the relevant legislation while at the same time striving to minimise their tax liabilities where possible in an efficient and practical manner.

How tax can become a strategic pillar of your organisation

Both local and global tax is changing rapidly, with the introduction of numerous new global tax legislations, as well as local legislative amendments.

The tax position of an organisation should consider more than just compliance and should consist of a clear tax strategy which aligns with the overall corporate strategy of the business.

Tax leaders

Our Tax service line is headed up by Dieter Schulze who is supported by a number of experts in corporate and personal tax on both a local and global perspective.

RSM Tax Guide 2024/25

This comprehensive guide to tax in South Africa is updated annually with tax revisions announced by the Minister of Finance.