RSM Australia had a very busy 2016 secondment year with a total of 36 employees inbound and outbound around the RSM network on short and long term placements. In January 2016, six RSM Australia employees were placed in London, Chicago, Dallas and New York on short term assignments. Australia’s main short term inbound process has welcomed 24 RSM network employees to their Canberra, Melbourne and Perth offices.

Rufadzo Bonyongwa from our Johannesburg office was selected and was seconded to the Melbourne office. Here are his thoughts on the experience.

rufadzo - Copy.jpgAs an African citizen who has not left the African continent, I came with a mind as empty as a shopping trolley, loading it with all the lessons of how some day my home can be as developed. As I reach the end of this experience and click checkout and review what I have in my knowledge cart, I have to say my experience while on secondment (with both risks and challenges), has given me fresh, new perspectives that helped me grow. The support I received from both my firm and locals has been excellent. My secondment experience has helped me expand my horizons and identify what my own aspirations and priorities are for my career development and develop my passion for charity. It has been invaluable to work in a new setting, seeing that the skills I already had were transferable, knowing my firm is way bigger than what I know back home, and that I am able to acquire new skills with confidence and interest.rufadzo_2 - Copy.jpg

I would encourage others to take secondment opportunities and push themselves that little bit further out of their comfort zone. Apart from that, watch out Africa, here comes a recharged and envisioned world changer!


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