We help your company through the entire sustainability reporting.

Our Nordic team assists you throughout the entire reporting journey, from double materiality analysis to data collection and preparation of the sustainability report.

RSM's service offering:

RSM helps you create a better understanding of the current situation within your sustainability reporting process. We help you identify any gaps that need to be addressed to meet the CSRD requirements.

RSM helps you identify your business’s essential sustainability issues in line with CSRD through a double materiality analysis.

In order to ensure that the reporting reflects the interests of the stakeholders, they need to be involved at an early stage. RSM helps identify and engage your stakeholders.

We help you with the preparation of your sustainability report, regardless of whether it is in line with CSRD, GRI or the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

RSM helps you write texts and communicate your sustainability work connected to the reporting.