Did you know that it is a legal requirement to maintain an organized share register?

Unfortunately, not everyone maintains their share register as required by law. RSM offers a digital share register service through the Nordic Securities Register (NVR). NVR is a world-leading securities register for unlisted companies. Since 2005, NVR has helped tens of thousands of companies recognize the importance of an online share register. The digital share register from NVR offers numerous benefits:

  • Simplifies registration of transactions and issues, 
  • Facilitates preparations for shareholders’ meetings, 
  • Eases ownership analysis, 
  • Provides the ability to reconstruct a lost share register, 
  • Automatically monitors shareholders’ addresses. 

Everyone on the board and any appointed auditor have access to the information and can generate reports and documentation for banks, investors, and other parties. There are significant risks associated with not keeping an organized share register. Besides being a legally punishable offense, such shortcomings are often revealed in crucial situations, such as tax audits or company transfers. This can be costly to rectify or, in the worst case, prevent a sale from proceeding. Additionally, share registers maintained in Word or Excel have a troubling tendency to multiply into numerous documents or, in the worst case, disappear altogether. 

We can assist you with the following: 

We understand the importance of having an accurate and efficient share register for your business. That’s why RSM offers our expertise to establish your digital share register, or in other formats if you prefer. Our experienced team, in collaboration with the highly reliable Nordic Securities Register, creates a top-tier digital share register tailored to your specific needs. We use modern technologies to ensure accuracy and efficiency. 

Have you lost your share register or discovered that it does not comply with legal requirements? At RSM, we have experience in helping companies reconstruct their share registers and ensure that they complete and in accordance with current legal standards. 

We work methodically to restore or correct lost information and ensure that your share register meets all statutory requirements. 

Are you seeking help to keep your digital share register continuously updated? At RSM, we specialize in making smooth and necessary changes to share registers to ensure they are always current. Contact us for tailored solutions that meet your needs and facilitate share management. 

Do you need an investigation into your company’s share register history. At RSM, we have extensive experience in searching and gathering relevant information from authorities and archives to create a comprehensive and reliable share register history. 

Do you need share certificates for your shares? At RSM, we are here to assist you and can help you prepare share certificates that comply with all the requirements of the Swedish Companies Act (Aktiebolagslagen). 

If you have lost your share certificate, we can assist you with the application for annulment of the certificate. Once the certificate or certificates have been invalidated, we help the company issue new certificates to the shareholders whose original share certificates have been lost. 

Need help with something else?  

We can also offer the following services: