Do you have two or more companies that you want to merge?

We help you consolidate the companies and provide guidance throughout the entire process. Do you want to change your company’s legal structure or split the economy?

At Business Services, we have the expertise to assist with the following restructuring matters: 

National and cross-border mergers represent strategic business agreements where two or more companies are combined to form a unified entity. National mergers occur within the same country, while cross-border mergers involve companies from different countries. These complex transactions require extensive legal and financial expertise. RSM provides professional guidance and support throughout the entire process, ensuring compliance with both national and international laws and regulations to achieve a successful merger. 

In a share exchange, shares in a company are transferred from one party to another. This process may be driven by various reasons, including changes in ownership, strategic adjustments, or business agreements. RSM is here to facilitate share exchanges and ensure that the process is carried out correctly and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. 

In a division of a company, the business and assets are split, usually resulting in the creation of two or more new, independent companies. This strategic move can be motivated by the need to focus on specific business areas, increase efficiency, or implement other business strategies. RSM provides expertise and support throughout the entire process to ensure a smooth and accurate division, while ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations. 

In a merger of economic associations or housing cooperatives, two or more associations are combined to form a new entity. RSM provides guidance and support throughout the entire process to ensure a smooth and accurate merger. 

When changing a company’s legal structure, a company undergoes a restructuring where its legal form changes, such as from a sole proprietorship to a limited company or vice versa. This strategic decision may be driven by the need to align the company structure with business requirements, ownership conditions, or tax considerations. Contact us, and we will assist you, along with our trusted partners, to successfully complete the process. 

Cross-border reorganization involves restructuring a company across national borders, such as changing its legal form or legal domicile. RSM can assist throughout the entire process to ensure a smooth transition in compliance with legal requirements, helping the company achieve its goals and meet its needs. 

Need advice?

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at RSM.

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We can also offer the following services: