Our history
Discover the history of our company through the important dates that marked the creation of RSM Switzerland:
- RSM International was founded in 1964. At that time, this small network was called LHBD.
- In 1993, the organisation restructured and changed its name to RSM International.
- In January 2006, Jean Stephens became the first female CEO of a top 10 international network of accountants.
- In 2014, RSM celebrated 50 years of existence!
- Since 2015, RSM has lost its "international" name and become simply "RSM".
- In 2018, RSM Switzerland SA was created following the merger of the Swiss entities of the RSM network.
Where does our name come from?
The name "RSM" is simply a historical recognition of our past and the founding firms of the network:
- Robson Rhodes (UK)
- Salustro Reydel (France)
- McGladrey (USA)
What does our logo mean?
- Grey: the grey block stands for a relationship based on a solid and reliable foundation.
- Green: the green block represents our positive, idea-driven and responsive approach.
- Blue: the blue block symbolises forward movement and the achievement of future goals.