While pending approval by the Government of the decree regulating the special preferential export-import duty tariff schedule under the EVFTA, the Ministry of Industry and Trade (“MIT”) and the General Department of Vietnam Customs (“GDC”) has issued number of guidance on procedures to accept proofs of origin, including:
- Circular 11/2020/TT-BCT dated 15 June 2020 of MOF on guiding rules of origin in EVFTA
- Official Letter No 0811/XNK-XXHH dated 30 July 2020 of Import and Export Department of MIT on guiding competence authorities issuing Certificate of Origin (“C/O”) form EUR.1
- Official Letter No 0812/XNK-XXHH dated 30 July 2020 of Import and Export Department of MIT on guiding enterprises and organizations to register C/O form EUR.1
- Official Letter No 5575/TCHQ-GSQL dated 21 August 2020 of GDC on guiding provincial customs authorities on procedures to accept proofs of origin
- Other regular news and notices on web portal of MIT regarding the implementation of EVFTA
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