The WA Government has allocated $60 million to the Investment Attraction Fund (IAF): New Energies Industries Funding Stream to support investments in new energies industries to drive the diversification and decarbonisation of the economy as part of the State’s energy transition.
The IAF seeks to attract investment through offering grants of up to $15million (or more on a case-by-case basis) for capital intensive New Energies projects in the following sectors:
- Advanced critical minerals processing and other battery chemical manufacturing.
- Renewable hydrogen investments focused on enabling infrastructure and exploring hydrogen's potential as a feedstock.
- Solar and wind projects that directly expand generation or onshore manufacturing of major components for renewable energy projects.
- Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS).
If you are planning a capital investment project in WA that will create local jobs, scale up local businesses and contribute to a more diversified economy, consider whether the IAF program could be used to support your business.
The Investment Attraction Fund: New Energies Industries Funding Stream will support investment proposals from the following sub-sectors:
- Advanced critical minerals processing and other battery chemical manufacturing as specific enablers to further develop the supply chain.
- Renewable hydrogen investments focused on enabling infrastructure and exploring hydrogen's potential as a feedstock.
- Solar and wind projects that seek to directly expand generation in the State or to manufacture major components required for renewable energy projects onshore.
- Support for Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) projects focussed on new low emission industries, developing clean fuel capabilities and further research.
The total funding pool is $60 million. Grants can cover up to a maximum of 50% of total project cost or $15 million, whichever is lower.
Requests greater than $15 million and/or greater than 50% of the total proposal cost will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Applicants must have at least 3 years of trading history (as accepted in their domicile).
No fixed closing date. Expression of interest applications will be assessed on an individual basis as they are submitted.
For more information and application support, contact:
Edward Day
Senior Manager - Government Grants
[email protected]
(08) 9261 9161
For more information and application support, contact: Edward Day, Senior Manager - Government Grants at [email protected] or (08) 9261 9161.