Buy-side transaction assistance

As an entrepreneur, you are thinking of expansion. Realizing an acquisition is one of the options. Expertise in acquisitions and knowledge of the Belgian market is crucial. Multidisciplinary teams in acquisition, tax, accounting, due diligence and audit are ready for our clients with ambition.

On the road to expansion.


Phase 1: Analysis of the external growth project and identification of potential targets 

  • Insight into the external growth strategy
  • Analysis of the target, its markets and its development perspectives
  • Elaboration of the required characteristics of targets in line with the growth strategy

Phase 2: Preparation of the strategy to approach the targets.

  • Preparation of the arguments
  • Preparation of a general questionnaire

Phase 3: Direct approach of  board members of the identified targets

Two options are possible:

  • Sending a "personal and confidential" letter to the board members of the identified companies
  • Organization of meetings with the decision makers of the targets. 

Phase 4: General due diligence

RSM Belgium draws up a general check-up to gain a better insight into the management, the markets, the financial situation, the risks, etc. of the target.

Phase 5: Bringing together and presenting the various parties involved

RSM Belgium facilitates contacts, introduces the decision makers of both parties to a tripartite meeting and participates in the first exchanges.  



It is crucial to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the target company, to integrate them into the valuation of the company and to identify the elements that can be used in the negotiations.

Usually, the strength and weakness analysis is part of the due diligence.

Read more about due diligence here.


For the buyer, the main purpose of the due diligence investigation is to reduce and manage the risks associated with the transaction, to provide an independent and detailed assessment to the buyer of the company and to investigate the possible existence of hidden obligations or unforeseen costs.

Read more about due diligence here.

RSM Belgium advises you on the financial, tax, human and legal aspects of the acquisition.

RSM Belgium has more than 200 partners and experienced staff members, offering you, next to transaction support a diversified service portfolio.

We advise our clients to work with an independent law firm that specializes in this matter. Concluding agreements ensures peace of mind after the acquisition, which is valuable.

RSM Belgium offers its transaction expertise by reviewing the contracts and agreements and ensuring that all essential elements are included and well formulated in the documents.

Following common agreements are part of the acquisition process:

  • A letter of intent
  • Sales purchase agreements
  • Cooperation agreements
  • Rental agreements

Realizing an acquisition (ex: a competitor) requires a lot of time and attention. There are many steps to be taken to successfully complete such a process.

Besides this, you still have your own business to run and most of your attention should go to that.

That is why it is important to be assisted by "professionals" who can use their experience in acquisitions.

Drawing up analyzes, processing information, carrying out a due diligence, monitoring negotiations, supporting the drafting of contracts, etc. are just a few examples of activities that require specific knowledge and skills.

RSM Belgium can take on this coordinating role and help ensure that a good deal is achieved.


For more information on this topic, feel free to contact our experts

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