Marie Delacroix

Year of birth : 1975
- Master in law (UCL 1998).
- Master in audit and accountancy (Cooremans Institute - Brussels 2001).
- Registered auditor (2006).
- ICHEC - Certified Internal Control Specialist.
- She has an extensive experience in performing audits in different economic sectors as the industrial, financial, and non-profit sector especially in the hospital sector.
- Guest lecturer at the Cooremans Institute (Ethics and professional standards).
- Guest lecturer at ICHEC, where she instructs “financial consolidation practices and legal audit requirements" to master students.
- She has experience in judicial missions.
- Former editor of the Memento since 2005 (ed. Corporate@Copyright). Last copy has been made in 2020.
- Former member of the commission "specific missions" of the Institute of Registered Auditors.
- Guest speaker: audit of hospital sector, financial fraud, accounting in non-profit organisations, relationship between partners.