Steven Vermeulen

Areas of focus
Job title
IT Advisory Partner
Office Location
- Bachelor of Accountancy and Taxation (2000).
- Certified Auvibel Controlling Agent (2005).
- Master 1 and Master 2 IDEA (CAAT’s application).
- Certified Information System Auditor – CISA certificated
- Experience in audit and accountancy since 2000. His experience extends over audit of both profit, and not-for-profit and public organisations.
- Active for several years in the field of judicial expertise.
- Extensive experience in special assignments, more specifically Interim Finance Management, Database Analysis and Management, Management Reporting System Development, IT audit and IT General Controls.
- Information Security, Privacy, Quality Management, Project Risk Management, IT Audit, Business Process Analysis, IT Risk
- Management, IT strategic analysis and IT planning, IS Governance.
- Experienced in privacy legislation (European GDPR and Belgium level) and related ISO27k analysis