We are at the forefront of secure and efficient IT management with our comprehensive suite of solutions encompassing IT General Controls (ITGC) and Application Controls (ITAC).


  1. IT General Controls:
  • Our IT General Controls framework ensures the foundational integrity, security, and reliability of your entire IT infrastructure.
    We provide a systematic approach to managing risks, enhancing operational efficiency, and maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements. Our ITGC solutions cover a wide range of critical areas including: 
  • Access Controls: manage user access to systems and data, ensuring that only authorised individuals have appropriate permissions.
  • Change Management: implement robust processes for approving, testing, and deploying changes to IT systems and applications, minimising the risk of disruptions and errors.
  • Backup and Recovery: safeguard your data against loss or corruption with comprehensive backup and recovery solutions, ensuring business continuity and resilience.
  • Physical and Environmental Controls: protect your IT assets from physical threats and environmental hazards, such as theft, fire, and power outages.

With our ITGC solutions, you can strengthen the overall control environment of your organisation, mitigate risks, and instill confidence in the reliability and integrity of your IT operations.


  1.  Application Controls:

In addition to ITGC, our Application Controls focus on the specific controls embedded within individual applications to ensure the accuracy, completeness, and validity of transaction processing and data integrity. Our comprehensive suite of Application Controls solutions includes:

  • Input Controls: validate the accuracy and completeness of data entered into applications, minimizing the risk of errors and fraud.
  • Processing Controls: monitor and control the processing of transactions within applications to ensure that they are executed correctly and in accordance with business rules.
  • Output Controls: verify the accuracy and completeness of outputs generated by applications, such as reports and invoices,
    to ensure they are reliable and trustworthy.
  • Interface Controls: manage the flow of data between different applications and systems, ensuring seamless integration
    and preventing data inconsistencies.

With our Application Controls solutions, you can enhance the reliability and trustworthiness of your business-critical applications, streamline transaction processing, and improve decision-making processes.

We offer you:

  • Expertise: our team of experienced professionals possesses deep expertise in ITGC and Application Controls, ensuring the successful implementation and management of controls tailored to your specific needs.
  • Compliance: we help you navigate the complex landscape of regulatory requirements and industry standards, ensuring that your IT controls are aligned with best practices and regulatory guidelines.
  • Efficiency: our solutions are designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your IT operations, reducing the risk of errors, fraud, and disruptions.
  • Scalability: whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, our solutions are scalable to accommodate your evolving needs and growth trajectory.

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