Buy-side Due Diligence Services
Through our consulting, we create "peace of mind" for our customers throughout the buying process.
Strengthen your information base and minimize your risk as a buyer
Our specialists support customers through the acquisition process and create confidence in the basis for decision-making. We work in small dedicated teams with high partner and manager involvement. This ensures short decision-making processes and a targeted and efficient process.
We have solid experience from a wide range of transactions, and through close Nordic cooperation in RSM, we work seamlessly across national borders. We continuously work on international assignments with foreign buyers of Danish and Nordic companies.
Together with our tax and corporate lawyers, we can also assist with restructuring and tax advisory services after a completed transaction.
Our focus is on small and medium-sized transactions with EV (Enterprise Value) of up to 2 billion.
We assist at all stages
Financial due diligence
A structured and fact-based financial Due Diligence is essential to ensure a successful acquisition process. We assist our clients in validating the transaction assumptions that have been used as a basis for the enterprise value, including through an assessment of the target company's underlying profitability, working capital profile and debt structure. We create investment security for our clients and provide concrete recommendations for the final negotiations.
Agreement analysis
We combine and analyze large amounts of information and data. Through the use of advanced analysis programs, we can increase the understanding of the target company's historical performance and prerequisites for future value creation. We prepare reports focusing on the individual customer's most relevant KPIs to optimize returns.
Commercial property
Through our broad experience with financial due diligence of commercial properties, we have developed a strong understanding of what generates value in the industry. We are therefore able to provide value-adding advice relevant to commercial real estate. We help our customers validate and support the rental level used in pricing. At the same time, we provide a better insight into what the net rent is, as well as concretize recommendations related to elements in the company's accounts or tax-related treatment that should have a direct impact on the purchase price and the purchase contract. We also assist with the review of estimated and final purchase price calculations as well as the review of financial clauses in the SPA.
Tax Due Diligence
In a business transaction, the buyer may unknowingly assume negative obligations to the public authorities in the form of tax and indirect taxes. RSM's tax experts assist our clients in identifying and minimizing tax risks associated with the target business. This ensures that historical errors and risks are properly handled in pricing.
Tax advice and structuring
Our tax experts dive into the company's overall tax profile, looking not only for negative exposures, but also for synergies and benefits you can take over – and how to manage this to create best practice in the future.
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Vi hjælper vores kunder med forskellige typer af værdiansættelsesydelser til en række forskellige formål.
Med en grundig Due Diligence på salgssiden, vil sælger være i stand til at reducere risikoen, strømline transaktionen og maksimere salgsprisen.
Vi kan hjælpe dig med at nå dine strategiske mål gennem opkøb og fusioner (M&A).