Create value through M&A with your strategic goals in focus
Whether you are considering M&A to expand your business, working on a business case for a major decision, or considering possible sales opportunities, our team of dedicated advisors will try to gain a thorough understanding of your organisation and your goals and needs.
When it is time to implement key business decisions, we will help you plan the recommended next steps while considering the people, processes, and technologies you need to implement them.
We can help with the following:
In cooperation with you, we will assess how your company can utilize M&A, in line with the company's strategy, as a strategic driver for profitable growth and to ensure that the company can continue to compete effectively in the future. Knowing where you will compete and how you plan to win is crucial to defining an effective plan and identifying strategic acquisition goals. Where appropriate, we work closely with our other service lines, including our tax and legal services, to provide additional insights to help shape your M&A strategy.
In a CDD, we test the robustness of a target company's claims about its position in the market and hypotheses about future growth potential. We provide you with insights that can help shape the investment hypothesis, valuation, and post-implementation value creation plan by conducting primary research in combination with secondary sources covering the target company's markets, customers, suppliers, and competitors.
Economic uncertainty creates major challenges for many companies through declining activity, reduced profitability and weaker liquidity.
We help with solid insight and presentation of basic commercial, financial, and operational conditions. This forms the basis for well-developed action plans that ensure that the company maintains the trust and credibility of key stakeholders through periods of weak performance and poor liquidity.
We can help you find buyers, make your business more attractive and negotiate the best possible terms for the sale of your business.
We help shareholders in small and medium-sized private companies ensure maximum value when they decide to sell the company. As a shareholder and manager, you might be selling the business you have worked your whole life to build. As an investor, you may be selling a key asset in your portfolio.
It is crucial that you choose an advisor who understands the unique pressures of running a private business, as well as your own motivation and expectations in relation to sales.
We can help throughout the sales process, including;
- identify relevant buyers on a global basis who have the ability and strategic rationale to make an acquisition;
- help prepare your business to maximize its attractiveness to the select group of potential buyers
- create competition between potential buyers;
- manage what can be a complicated process to achieve the right result quickly and efficiently while protecting your business, and
- lead (in cooperation with you) the negotiations to achieve the best possible terms
We ensure that we as a team are in control of the process from start to finish.
In cooperation with our international RSM offices, we ensure that potential buyers from all over the world are considered. In addition, our tax transaction team will be involved at an early stage so that the deal can be structured in the best possible way.
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Due Diligence
RSMs Due Diligence team analyserer og validerer de finansielle, operationelle, skattemæssige og strategiske aspekter ved et opkøb.
Med en grundig Due Diligence på salgssiden, vil sælger være i stand til at reducere risikoen, strømline transaktionen og maksimere salgsprisen.