RSM Danmark 

RSM Denmark has 13 offices spread across the country - with strong local roots and collaborations. We prioritize creating good and lasting relationships and meet our customers with insight, presence and friendliness. Our services are primarily aimed at small and medium-sized companies. On these pages you get an overview of the industries we typically work with, and you can also read more about our services under the menu item 'What we offer'.

As a member company of RSM, we are part of a well-functioning international network, just as we are a member of the Revisorgruppen Danmark, where we draw on common tools, a wide range of courses and a secretariat staffed with some of the most talented subject specialists in auditing. At the same time, we benefit from RSM's international network in terms of assignments from foreign clients and Danish clients seeking advice abroad. You can read more about RSM Global below.

RSM Denmark's Terms of Business and Data Processing Agreement

The present terms of business apply to any service, regardless of its nature or scope, provided by RSM Denmark, unless expressly waived or modified by another written agreement.

In certain cases, RSM Denmark acts as a data processor on behalf of our clients, such as when providing specific assistance services without issuing a statement, e.g., payroll administration. When RSM Denmark acts as a data processor on behalf of our client, we operate under the instructions of the relevant data controller and in accordance with this data processing agreement.

RSM International - A world leading provider of audit, tax, and consulting services  

RSM is a powerful network of audit, tax, and consulting experts with offices all over the world. As an integrated team, we share skills, insights, and resources, as well as a client-centric approach that is based on a deep understanding of your business. This is how we empower you to move forward with confidence and realise your full potential. This is The Power of Being Understood.

Fast facts:

  • We have firms in more than 120 countries and are in each of the top 40 major business centres throughout the world.
  • We have combined staff of over 64,000
  • We have more than 820 offices across the Americas, Europe, MENA, Africa and Asia Pacific.

Our clients range from growth-focused entrepreneurial businesses through to leading multi-national organisations across many sectors and operating nationally and across borders.


Vi har kontorer i 120 lande.


Samlet set har vi mere end 65,000 medarbejdere. 


Vi har mere end 900 kontorer i Nord- og Sydamerika, Europa, MENA, Afrika og Stillehavsområdet. 


Læs vores mission, vision, grundlæggende overbevisninger og værdier. 

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Find dit nærmeste RSM kontor

Med 13 kontorer fordelt over hele landet kan vi tilbyde landsdækkende service.