RSM has five brand values that focus our actions and ultimately define our culture. They are integral to the way we act with each other and with clients.
Respect - treat others as we'd like to be treated
We display respect in each interaction with:
- Our clients
- Our employees
- Our partners
Integrity - do the right thing
We stay true to our values:
- In decisions
- In negotiations
- In communications
Teamwork - work together effectively
We cultivate genuine collaboration:
- In work groups
- Across functions
- Among leaders
Excellence - be the best in everything we do
We achieve distinction through:
- Our work product
- Our standards
- Our operations
Stewardship - better our firm and develop our people
We make RSM a better place by:
- Developing our people
- Building our brand
- Supporting our communities
Vi vil være det foretrukne revisionsfirma for kunder, samarbejdspartnere og medarbejdere.
Vi vil sikre handlekraft og beslutningskompetence til gavn for vores kunders forretning ved at være en nærværende og betroet samarbejdspartner.
Værdier på tværs af RSM
Vores brand bygger på følgende værdier, der sætter retning for, hvordan vi agerer med hinanden og vores kunder
- Respekt og kompromisløs integritet
- Sammen om at lykkes
- Høj kvalitet i alle aspekter
- Innovation der gør en forskel
- Ansvarlig adfærd
Distinguishing beliefs
We have strong, collaborative and lasting relationships based on availability and adaptability. We meet customers and colleagues with friendliness, personality and mutual respect. With a high degree of presence and informal settings, we seek the good relationships that make us a happy workplace and business partner.
We understand our customers' needs, strategy and ambitions and strive to be an essential part of their business environment. We have a local presence, a present personal dialogue with our customers, fair prices and a working environment with short chain of command and good sparring across seniority, geography and specialties.
We ensure each customer benefits and value through tailored thinking and insights from our senior experts – locally and globally. In order to deliver value-creating advice, we focus on continuous development of competences and specialist knowledge for the benefit of customers in various industries. We share knowledge across RSM and prioritize a high degree of flexibility around education and exams.