Chairul Wismoyo
Audit Partner

Current Role Description
Chairul is a Partner for Audit Practice at RSM Indonesia. Prior to joining RSM Indonesia, he worked in one of Big Four public accounting firm for more than 10 years.
Current Service Skills and Experience
Chairul has significant skills and experience on Audit & Assurance services for entities from several industries. Chairul also has in-depth knowledge on PSAK and IFRS.
Current Sector or Industry Expertise
Chairul provides services to clients from various sectors and industries such as energy, mining, plantation, manufacture, property, tourism and non-profit organization. He takes a client-focused approach and has the technical skills, knowledge, and ideas to provide value to clients in most industries.
Approach to service delivery and other
Chairul offers a personalised and tailored service. He takes the clients perspective when gaining a full understanding of their needs, recommending solutions, supporting their plans, and minimising problems. Clients value his sincere service, and he can be relied on to fulfil commitments.
He is a dedicated person and always delivered a high-quality service for his clients.
- Bachelor of Economics, majoring in Accounting, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
- Accounting Professional Program, Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia
- Master of Accounting Science, Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia
- Certified Public Accountant (CPA) of Indonesia, the IAPI
- Chartered Accountant (CA), the IAI
- Certified IFRS (CertIFR), the ACCA
- Certified of Audit Committee Professional (CACP), the IKAI
- Certified PSAK (CPSAK), the IAI
- ASEAN CPA (ACPA), ASEAN Chartered Professional Accountant Coordinating Committee
- Brevet A & B Certification, Universitas Gadjah Mada