Audit Partner

Current role description
Eishennoraz is a Partner for Audit Practice at RSM Indonesia. He is responsible for managing audit projects and assignments as well as managing the audit division.
Current service skills and experience
Eishennoraz has in-depth experience as Group Auditor on multinational company with subsidiaries in several countries where he coordinates with component auditors from other countries, gives group audit instructions and reviews their work.
Current sector or industry expertise
Eishennoraz provides services to clients from various sectors. He takes a client-focused approach and has the technical skills, knowledge, and ideas to provide clients value in most industries. For the recent years, he has also served clients from technology, media & telecommunications, healthcare, plantation, manufacture, real estate & property, and non-bank financial sectors, thereby gaining more expertise in these sectors.
Approach to service delivery and other
Eishennoraz is an expert in his field and he can be relied on to fulfil commitments.
- Bachelor of Economics, majoring in Accounting, Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia
- Master of Accounting, Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia