Jul Edy Siahaan
Audit Partner

Current role description
Jul is a Partner for Audit Practice at RSM Indonesia and has joined the firm since 2009.
Current service skills and experience
Jul has provided audit services for more than 10 years to one of the sector leaders in Property and Real Estate. The performance audit work includes Indonesia and Singapore. In the last few years, he has been involved in corporate actions performed by the group, both in Indonesia and Singapore.
Jul has the experience of working for subsidiaries of multinational companies and multinational companies that are headquartered in Indonesia. Most of them are in audit services, but there are several jobs within the scope of Agreed-Upon Procedures, and he has led cross-border assignments in his capacity as the Group Auditor.
Jul provided audit services, both as a Group Auditor and Component Auditor, especially in the Property and Real Estate sector. He also provides prospectus review services and comfort letters.
Current sector or industry expertise
Jul is highly experienced in serving clients from Property and Real Estate sectors.
Approach to service delivery and other
Jul has a deep understanding of the property and real Estate sectors in terms of standards, regulations, and business. With his expertise, he can surely provide solutions and insight for clients. He also has strong collaboration and insight.
- Bachelor of Economics, majoring in Accounting, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
- Certified Public Accountant (CPA), the IAPI