Marissa Pradipta Hadiputri
Audit Partner


Current role description

Marissa is a Partner for Audit Practice, Quality Assurance Unit at RSM Indonesia and has joined the Firm since 2007.

Current service skills and experience

Marissa has more than 15 years of experience, providing audit and assurance.

Current sector or industry expertise

Marissa provides services to clients from various sectors, as well as multinationals. She takes a client-focused approach and has the technical skills, knowledge, and ideas to provide clients value in most industries.

Approach to service delivery and other

Marissa offers a personalized and tailored service. She takes the clients perspective when gaining a full understanding of their needs, recommending solutions, supporting their plans, and minimizing problems. Clients value her sincere service, and she can be relied on to fulfil commitments.

She is a fully dedicated person, and she always offers high-quality services for her clients.


  • Bachelor of Economics, majoring in Accounting, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA), the IAPI