Mawar I R Napitupulu
Senior Managing Partner
Mawar Napitupulu is a Senior Managing Partner at RSM Indonesia. She is a CPA with more than 28 years of experience and has in-depth expertise in the areas of audit practice.
Mawar also sits as member of audit committee and risk monitoring committe at various organizations, ranging from financial institutions to energy and mining.
Mawar serves as chairman of "Komite Kehormatan Profesi" of Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Indonesian Institute of Audit Committee and she is listed as registered public accountant in Central Bank and in Capital Market Supporting Professionals (Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency). She is also a Senior Lecturer at Faculty of Economics University of Indonesia.
She obtained her Bachelor Degree in Economics majoring in Accounting from the University of Indonesia in 1986, and MBA from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium in 1990.